Advanced IR WS22 Project Highlights
This page features well-conducted IR projects from Advanced Information Retrieval of winter term 2023 (in no particular order).
Slides of the groups’ final presentations and their code bases are openly available.
Comparison of Re-rankers
Julian Rakuschek
Matthias Hülser
Slides and Repo:
Marco Polo: Testing retrieval performance on summarized documents
Fabian Staber
Matthias Paltauf
Martin Brantner
Thomas Mühlbacher
Slides and Repo:
FBI - FakeNews BERT Inspector
Sebastian Weidinger
Laura Weißl
Slides and Repo:
Similarity of Programming Languages: C/C++, C#, Go and Python
Kevin Innerebner
Philip Loibl
Manuell Schöller
Tobias Wolf
Slides and Repo:
Advanced IR Experiments with Language Models, Summarization and Translation using SBERT, Elasticsearch and trec_eval
David Mihola
Manuel Riedl
Massimiliano Viola
Nico Ohler
Slides and Repo: